FormControl AsyncValidator is Called Multiple Times: Understanding the Issue and Finding Solutions
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FormControl AsyncValidator is Called Multiple Times: Understanding the Issue and Finding Solutions

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In Angular applications, developers sometimes encounter an unexpected behavior where the FormControl AsyncValidator is called multiple times. This can lead to performance issues, increased latency, and even errors in the application. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this issue and provide solutions to mitigate it.

What is an AsyncValidator?

An AsyncValidator is a type of validator in Angular that allows you to perform asynchronous validation on a form control. This is particularly useful when you need to validate user input against a remote server or perform some other asynchronous operation. AsyncValidators are typically used in conjunction with synchronous validators to provide a more comprehensive validation mechanism.

Why is the FormControl AsyncValidator Called Multiple Times?

There are several reasons why the FormControl AsyncValidator might be called multiple times. Some common causes include:

  • Incorrect implementation of the AsyncValidator: If the AsyncValidator is not implemented correctly, it can lead to multiple calls to the validator function.

  • Invalid or missing validation configuration: Failing to configure the validation correctly or omitting essential settings can cause the AsyncValidator to be called repeatedly.

  • Unnecessary re-validation: When the form control value changes, the AsyncValidator might be called multiple times if the validation is not properly debounced.

  • Third-party library or module issues: In some cases, third-party libraries or modules might interfere with the validation mechanism, leading to multiple calls to the AsyncValidator.

Solutions to Prevent Multiple Calls to the FormControl AsyncValidator

To avoid the FormControl AsyncValidator being called multiple times, follow these best practices and solutions:

  1. Implement the AsyncValidator correctly: Ensure that the AsyncValidator is implemented according to the Angular documentation and guidelines. Pay attention to the validator function’s return type, which should be a Promise or an Observable.

  2. Configure validation correctly: Verify that the validation configuration is accurate and complete. Make sure to set the correct validation triggers and debounce the validation if necessary.

  3. Use a debouncing mechanism: Implement a debouncing mechanism, such as RxJS’s debounceTime operator, to prevent excessive validation calls when the form control value changes rapidly.

  4. Monitor and debug the validation process: Utilize Angular’s built-in debugging tools, such as the Angular DevTools, to monitor the validation process and identify the root cause of the issue.

  5. Review third-party library and module configurations: Investigate potential issues with third-party libraries or modules that might be interfering with the validation mechanism.


In conclusion, the FormControl AsyncValidator being called multiple times can be a perplexing issue in Angular applications. However, by understanding the underlying causes and implementing the solutions outlined in this article, you can mitigate this issue and ensure a smoother user experience. Remember to implement the AsyncValidator correctly, configure validation accurately, and debounce the validation process to prevent excessive calls to the validator function.

By following these best practices, you can create a more efficient and reliable validation mechanism in your Angular application, ultimately leading to a better user experience and improved overall performance.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with your FormControl AsyncValidator being called multiple times?

Why is my FormControl AsyncValidator being called multiple times?

This is because Angular, by default, checks for changes in the FormControl’s value and validity on every change detection cycle. If your AsyncValidator is calling an HTTP request, this can lead to multiple calls being made. To avoid this, you can use the `updateOn` option and set it to `blur` or `submit` to reduce the number of times the validator is called.

How can I debounce my AsyncValidator to prevent multiple calls?

You can use the `debounceTime` operator from RxJS to debounce your AsyncValidator. This will ensure that only one request is made after a certain amount of time has passed since the last change. For example: `debounceTime(500)` would debounce the validator for 500ms.

Can I use a Promise instead of an Observable for my AsyncValidator?

No, Angular requires AsyncValidators to return an Observable. If you’re using a Promise, you’ll need to wrap it in an Observable using the `from` function from RxJS. For example: `from(myPromise)`.

How can I cancel an in-flight AsyncValidator request?

You can use the `switchMap` operator from RxJS to cancel any in-flight requests when a new value is entered. This will unsubscribe from the previous request and subscribe to a new one.

Is there a way to cache the results of my AsyncValidator?

Yes, you can use the `.shareReplay` operator from RxJS to cache the results of your AsyncValidator. This will store the result of the request and return the cached result if the same request is made again.