Unlock the Power of JasperSoft Studio: Mastering Parameter Form List of Values
Image by Dumont - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of JasperSoft Studio: Mastering Parameter Form List of Values

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Are you tired of tedious data entry and manual input in your JasperSoft reports? Do you struggle to provide users with a seamless experience when generating reports? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of JasperSoft Studio and explore the magic of parameter form lists of values. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to create efficient, user-friendly reports that will take your reporting game to the next level.

What is a Parameter Form List of Values in JasperSoft Studio?

A parameter form list of values is a powerful feature in JasperSoft Studio that allows you to present users with a pre-defined list of options to select from when generating a report. This feature is especially useful when you need to restrict user input to a specific set of values, such as countries, regions, or product categories. By providing a list of values, you can ensure that users select valid input, reducing errors and increasing the overall reporting experience.

Benefits of Using Parameter Form List of Values

  • Improved User Experience**: Users can quickly select from a list of pre-defined values, reducing the likelihood of errors and typos.
  • Increased Efficiency**: By limiting user input to a specific list of values, you can reduce the time spent on data entry and report generation.
  • Enhanced Report Accuracy**: By restricting user input to a specific list of values, you can ensure that report data is accurate and consistent.
  • Better Report Customization**: Parameter form lists of values enable users to customize reports to their specific needs, increasing report relevance and usefulness.

Creating a Parameter Form List of Values in JasperSoft Studio

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of creating a parameter form list of values in JasperSoft Studio. Follow these step-by-step instructions to get started:

  1. Open JasperSoft Studio and create a new report: Launch JasperSoft Studio and create a new report by navigating to File > New > Report.
  2. Drag and drop a parameter control onto the report: From the Palette, drag and drop a Parameter control onto the report design area.
  3. Configure the parameter properties: In the Properties panel, configure the parameter properties as follows:
    • Name: Enter a unique name for the parameter, such as country_list.
    • Label: Enter a descriptive label for the parameter, such as Country.
    • Type: Select java.lang.String as the parameter type.
  4. Define the list of values: In the Properties panel, click on the ... button next to the Default Value field. This will open the Default Value Editor window.
  5. Create a new list of values: In the Default Value Editor window, click on the New button to create a new list of values.
            {"label": "United States", "value": "US"},
            {"label": "Canada", "value": "CA"},
            {"label": "United Kingdom", "value": "UK"},
  6. Configure the parameter form: In the Properties panel, set the Form Type to LIST_OF_VALUES. This will display the list of values as a dropdown list in the report.

Advanced Parameter Form List of Values Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some advanced techniques to take your parameter form list of values to the next level:

Dynamically Populating the List of Values

Sometimes, you may need to populate the list of values dynamically based on a query or data source. JasperSoft Studio allows you to do just that using the Data Adapter feature. Follow these steps to dynamically populate the list of values:

  1. Create a new data adapter: In the JasperSoft Studio data adapter, create a new data adapter by navigating to Data > New Data Adapter.
  2. Configure the data adapter query: In the data adapter query editor, enter a query that retrieves the list of values, such as:
          SELECT country FROM countries_table
  3. Link the data adapter to the parameter: In the Properties panel, link the data adapter to the parameter by selecting the data adapter as the Data Adapter property.

Using SQL Queries to Filter the List of Values

What if you need to filter the list of values based on a specific condition? JasperSoft Studio allows you to use SQL queries to filter the list of values. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new SQL query: In the JasperSoft Studio query editor, create a new SQL query that filters the list of values, such as:
          SELECT country FROM countries_table WHERE region = 'North America'
  2. Link the SQL query to the parameter: In the Properties panel, link the SQL query to the parameter by selecting the query as the property.

Best Practices for Using Parameter Form List of Values

To get the most out of parameter form lists of values, follow these best practices:

  • Keep the list of values concise and relevant: Ensure that the list of values is relevant to the report and concise enough to avoid overwhelming users.
  • Use descriptive labels and values: Use descriptive labels and values to ensure that users understand the options available to them.
  • Test and validate user input: Ensure that user input is validated and tested to prevent errors and inconsistencies.
  • Document parameter usage: Document parameter usage and functionality to ensure that users understand how to effectively use the report.


In conclusion, parameter form lists of values in JasperSoft Studio are a powerful feature that can elevate your reporting game. By providing users with a seamless and efficient way to select report parameters, you can increase user adoption, reduce errors, and improve report accuracy. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating reports that are both functional and user-friendly.

Keyword Description
JasperSoft Studio A reporting and business intelligence software tool.
Parameter Form List of Values A feature in JasperSoft Studio that allows users to select from a pre-defined list of values when generating a report.
Data Adapter A feature in JasperSoft Studio that allows you to dynamically populate the list of values based on a query or data source.
SQL Query A feature in JasperSoft Studio that allows you to use SQL queries to filter the list of values.

By mastering parameter form lists of values in JasperSoft Studio, you'll be able to create reports that are both functional and user-friendly, taking your reporting game to the next level. Happy reporting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the most out of Jaspersoft Studio's parameter form list of values with these frequently asked questions!

How do I create a list of values for a parameter in Jaspersoft Studio?

To create a list of values for a parameter in Jaspersoft Studio, you can use the "List of Values" option in the parameter's properties. Simply click on the "List of Values" tab, and then click the "New" button to add a new value. You can then enter the value and its corresponding label. You can add as many values as needed, and they will be displayed in a dropdown list in the report.

Can I use a query to populate the list of values in Jaspersoft Studio?

Yes, you can use a query to populate the list of values in Jaspersoft Studio. To do this, click on the "Query" option in the "List of Values" tab, and then enter the query that will retrieve the values. You can use a SQL query or a JasperReports query language (e.g., JRuby, Jython) to populate the list.

How do I sort the list of values in Jaspersoft Studio?

To sort the list of values in Jaspersoft Studio, click on the "Sort" option in the "List of Values" tab. You can then choose the column to sort on and the sort order (ascending or descending). You can also use an expression to sort the list based on a specific condition.

Can I use a parameter to filter the list of values in Jaspersoft Studio?

Yes, you can use a parameter to filter the list of values in Jaspersoft Studio. To do this, click on the "Filter" option in the "List of Values" tab, and then enter the filter expression that will limit the values based on the parameter. For example, you can use a parameter to filter the list of values based on a specific date range or category.

How do I display the list of values in a report in Jaspersoft Studio?

To display the list of values in a report in Jaspersoft Studio, simply drag and drop the parameter onto the report design area. The list of values will be displayed as a dropdown list or a checkbox list, depending on the report format. You can then customize the appearance of the list by using report elements such as labels, text fields, and tables.