Unraveling the Mystery: Issue with Rowspan Values Shifting After Search in HTML Table
Image by Dumont - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Issue with Rowspan Values Shifting After Search in HTML Table

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Have you ever encountered a situation where your carefully crafted HTML table falls apart after searching for specific data? The rowspan values, which were once perfectly aligned, start shifting and messing up the entire layout. Frustrating, isn’t it? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to resolve this pesky issue and restore order to your HTML table.

What’s Causing the Rowspan Values to Shift?

To understand the solution, we need to comprehend the problem. When you apply a search filter to an HTML table, the table rows are re-rendered, and the rowspan values are recalculated. This recalculation can cause the rowspan values to shift, leading to a distorted table layout.

Factors Contributing to the Issue

  • Dynamic table row creation: When the table rows are created dynamically, the rowspan values can become disoriented, causing the shift.
  • Table sorting and filtering: Applying sorting and filtering mechanisms can also trigger the rowspan value shift.
  • Inconsistent rowspan values: If the rowspan values are not properly defined or are inconsistent, the issue can arise.

Resolving the Issue: Practical Solutions

Now that we’ve identified the culprits, let’s explore some practical solutions to rectify the rowspan value shifting issue:

Solution 1: Define Consistent Rowspan Values

Ensure that the rowspan values are consistently defined for each cell in the table. Use the `rowspan` attribute on the `

` element to specify the number of rows a cell should span.
    <td rowspan="2">Cell content</td>
    <td>Cell content</td>
    <td>Cell content</td>
    <td>Cell content</td>

Solution 2: Use JavaScript to Fix Rowspan Values

Utilize JavaScript to reapply the rowspan values after the search filter has been applied. You can use a JavaScript library like jQuery to achieve this.

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#search-button').on('click', function() {
      // Reapply rowspan values after search
      $('td[rowspan]').each(function() {
        $(this).attr('rowspan', $(this).attr('data-rowspan'));

Solution 3: Employ a JavaScript Table Library

Leverage a JavaScript table library like DataTables or TableSorter, which provide built-in support for rowspan values and can help resolve the shifting issue.

  $(document).ready(function() {
      "columnDefs": [
        { "targets": 0, "rowspan": 2 }

Solution 4: Redesign the Table Structure

Consider redesigning the table structure to eliminate the need for rowspan values. Instead, use separate rows for each cell, and use CSS to visually merge the cells.

    <td>Cell content</td>
    <td>Cell content</td>
    <td>Cell content</td>
    <td>Cell content</td>

  td {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
  .merged-cell {
    border-bottom: none;

Best Practices to Avoid Rowspan Value Shifting

To avoid the rowspan value shifting issue altogether, follow these best practices:

  1. Define consistent rowspan values: Ensure that the rowspan values are consistently defined for each cell in the table.
  2. Use JavaScript table libraries: Utilize JavaScript table libraries like DataTables or TableSorter, which provide built-in support for rowspan values.
  3. Redesign the table structure: Consider redesigning the table structure to eliminate the need for rowspan values.
  4. Test thoroughly: Thoroughly test your table with different search filters and data sets to catch any rowspan value shifting issues.


The issue of rowspan values shifting after search in HTML tables can be frustrating, but with the right solutions and best practices, you can overcome it. By defining consistent rowspan values, using JavaScript to fix rowspan values, employing JavaScript table libraries, redesigning the table structure, and following best practices, you can ensure that your HTML table remains intact and visually appealing, even after applying search filters.

Remember, a well-crafted HTML table is not just about aesthetics; it’s about providing a seamless user experience. By resolving the rowspan value shifting issue, you can create a more engaging and user-friendly interface that meets the needs of your users.

Rowspan Values Search Filter Result
Consistent Applied Table remains intact
Inconsistent Applied Rowspan values shift

Now, go ahead and conquer the world of HTML tables with confidence!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the annoying issue of rowspan values shifting after search in your HTML table? Worry not, my friend! We’ve got you covered with the most frequently asked questions and their solutions.

Why do rowspan values shift after search in my HTML table?

This frustrating issue occurs because the search functionality re-renders the table, causing the rowspan values to be recalculated and, ultimately, shifted. It’s not a bug; it’s just the table trying to make sense of the new data!

How can I prevent the rowspan values from shifting after search?

You can use JavaScript to preserve the rowspan values after search. One approach is to store the original rowspan values in an array, and then reapply them after the search results are rendered. It’s a bit of a hack, but it gets the job done!

Will using a JavaScript library like jQuery solve the issue?

While jQuery can make your life easier, it won’t magically solve the rowspan shifting issue on its own. You’ll still need to write custom code to preserve the rowspan values. However, jQuery can help you with the DOM manipulation and event handling, making it a useful tool in your troubleshooting arsenal!

Can I use CSS to fix the rowspan shifting issue?

Unfortunately, CSS alone can’t solve this problem. The issue is related to the HTML structure and how the table is rendered, so CSS styling won’t have any effect. You’ll need to rely on JavaScript (or a JavaScript library like jQuery) to fix the issue.

Is there a way to avoid using JavaScript altogether?

While it’s possible to avoid JavaScript, you’ll need to rethink your table structure and search functionality. For example, you could use a different data visualization approach or a server-side filtering mechanism. It might require a significant overhaul of your application, but it’s doable if you’re willing to put in the effort!