How to End Flask App (e.g. Control C) when I Close/Terminate a Tkinter Window
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How to End Flask App (e.g. Control C) when I Close/Terminate a Tkinter Window

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Are you tired of manually stopping your Flask app every time you close your Tkinter window? Do you wish there was a way to automatically terminate the Flask server when you’re done with your GUI application? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the ways to achieve this functionality and make your development process more efficient.

Why do we need to end Flask App?

When you run a Flask app, it starts a server that listens for incoming requests. If you don’t properly shut down the server, it will continue to run in the background, consuming system resources and potentially causing conflicts with other applications. By ending the Flask app when you close the Tkinter window, you can ensure that the server is terminated, and your system resources are freed up.

Understanding the Connection between Flask and Tkinter

Tkinter is a Python binding to the Tk GUI toolkit, which allows you to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for desktop applications. Flask, on the other hand, is a micro web framework that enables you to build web applications. When you use Tkinter to create a GUI for your Flask app, you need to integrate the two frameworks to work together seamlessly.

In a typical setup, your Flask app runs in a separate thread or process, while your Tkinter GUI runs in the main thread. This allows your GUI to remain responsive while your Flask app handles incoming requests. However, this also means that you need to take extra care to ensure that the Flask app is terminated when the Tkinter window is closed.

Method 1: Using the `atexit` Module

One way to end the Flask app when the Tkinter window is closed is by using the `atexit` module. This module provides a way to register functions to be called when the program terminates. You can use this to shut down the Flask server when the Tkinter window is closed.

import atexit
from flask import Flask
import tkinter as tk

app = Flask(__name__)

def shutdown_server():
    func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
    if func is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server')


root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My Tkinter Window")

# Create your GUI elements here


In this example, we use the `atexit` module to register the `shutdown_server` function to be called when the program terminates. This function shuts down the Flask server using the `werkzeug.server.shutdown` function.

Method 2: Using a Separate Thread for Flask

An alternative approach is to run the Flask app in a separate thread. This allows you to control the thread and shut it down when the Tkinter window is closed.

import threading
from flask import Flask
import tkinter as tk

app = Flask(__name__)

def run_flask_app():

flask_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_flask_app)
flask_thread.daemon = True

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My Tkinter Window")

def on_closing():

root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing)

# Create your GUI elements here


In this example, we create a separate thread for running the Flask app using the `threading` module. We set the `daemon` attribute to `True` so that the thread is terminated when the main thread exits. When the Tkinter window is closed, we call the `join` method to wait for the Flask thread to finish, and then destroy the Tkinter window.

Method 3: Using a Process for Flask

Another approach is to run the Flask app in a separate process using the `multiprocessing` module. This provides a higher degree of isolation between the Flask app and the Tkinter GUI.

import multiprocessing
from flask import Flask
import tkinter as tk

app = Flask(__name__)

def run_flask_app():

flask_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=run_flask_app)

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My Tkinter Window")

def on_closing():

root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing)

# Create your GUI elements here


In this example, we create a separate process for running the Flask app using the `multiprocessing` module. When the Tkinter window is closed, we terminate the Flask process using the `terminate` method, and then destroy the Tkinter window.

Method 4: Using a Shared Event

A more elegant approach is to use a shared event between the Flask app and the Tkinter GUI. This allows the Flask app to monitor the event and shut down when the Tkinter window is closed.

import threading
from flask import Flask
import tkinter as tk
import threading

app = Flask(__name__)

stop_event = threading.Event()

def run_flask_app():
    while not stop_event.is_set():

flask_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_flask_app)
flask_thread.daemon = True

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My Tkinter Window")

def on_closing():

root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_closing)

# Create your GUI elements here


In this example, we create a shared event using the `threading` module. The Flask app runs in a separate thread and monitors the event. When the Tkinter window is closed, we set the event, which causes the Flask app to shut down.


In this article, we’ve explored four methods for ending a Flask app when a Tkinter window is closed. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of your application. By using one of these methods, you can ensure that your Flask app is terminated when the Tkinter window is closed, making your development process more efficient and reducing the risk of resource conflicts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do I need to end the Flask app when the Tkinter window is closed?

A: Ending the Flask app when the Tkinter window is closed ensures that the server is terminated, and system resources are freed up. This prevents the server from running in the background and potentially causing conflicts with other applications.

Q: Can I use the same method to end a Tkinter window when the Flask app is stopped?

A: Yes, you can use a similar approach to end a Tkinter window when the Flask app is stopped. For example, you can use the `atexit` module to register a function to be called when the Flask app is shut down, which can then close the Tkinter window.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Using `atexit` module Easy to implement, works well for simple cases May not work in all scenarios, limited flexibility
Using a separate thread for Flask Fine-grained control over the Flask app, easy to implement May not work well with complex Flask apps, requires careful thread management
Using a separate process for Flask Provides high degree of isolation, easy to implement May require additional complexity for inter-process communication
Using a shared event Fine-grained control over the Flask app, easy to implement May require additional complexity for event management

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to end a Flask app when a Tkinter window is closed. By choosing the right method for your application, you can ensure a seamless user experience and efficient resource management.

Frequently Asked Question

Getting stuck on closing that Flask app, are we? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: How do I close the Flask app when I close the tkinter window?

You can use the `protocol` method provided by tkinter to bind a function to the window close event. In this function, you can stop the Flask app by using `‘http://localhost:5000/shutdown’, timeout=0.1)`.

Q2: How do I use the `protocol` method to bind a function to the window close event?

You can use the `protocol` method like this: `root.protocol(“WM_DELETE_WINDOW”, on_closing)` where `on_closing` is the function you want to call when the window is closed.

Q3: What is the function I need to define to stop the Flask app?

You need to define a function that sends a request to the Flask app to shut down. Here’s an example: `def on_closing():‘http://localhost:5000/shutdown’, timeout=0.1); root.destroy()` where `root` is your tkinter window.

Q4: How do I make sure the Flask app is running on a separate thread so it doesn’t block my tkinter window?

You can use the `threading` module to run the Flask app on a separate thread. Here’s an example: `import threading; threading.Thread(` where `app` is your Flask app.

Q5: What if I want to use a more elegant way to shut down the Flask app?

You can use a shutdown endpoint in your Flask app and send a request to it when the tkinter window is closed. This way, you can shut down the Flask app more cleanly.